Month: April 2008


Breathing. Breathing is a fundamental and profound process of exchange between internal and external environments, between the body and the world.We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide through respiration. The oxygen is carried into the arterial blood flow via the alveoli in the lungs and, through it, feeds the body – giving it each next…
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body memory

I wrote this story to illustrate something about my own experience of how the body holds on to memory as part of my residency at Fabrica. BODY MEMORY. In the summer of 1975 my dad was driving me, my brother and my sister up to Liverpool. Just outside St. Helens, we pulled out onto a…
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dark matter

Yesterday was the first day of the Every Contact Leaves a Trace exhibition at Fabrica. This is what the gallery says to introduce the exhibition: ‘In the early twentieth century Dr Edmond Locard, a pioneer of forensic science, proposed his ‘exchange principle’. His idea, that whenever two surfaces come into contact a transference of material,…
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what am i doing?

What am I doing? This is a question that I’m constantly asking myself especially when I’m in the middle of a creative process as I am right now – in the middle of several in fact. I’m working on a solo, the heart of which seems constantly to be shifting – it’s a thing that…
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making marks

Edmond Locards Exchange Principle states: “Wherever he steps, whatever he touches, whatever he leaves, even unconsciously, will serve as a silent witness against him. Not only his fingerprints or his footprints, but his hair, the fibers from his clothes, the glass he breaks, the tool mark he leaves, the paint he scratches, the blood or…
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