A Macbeth – Fin Walker
Charlie Morrissey has been invited to take part in a development week at the National Theatre Studio, working with Fin Walker and Ben Park on A Macbeth.
‘Using the text of Macbeth, choreographer Fin Walker and Ben Park (co-creator and composer) have been looking at how they can create a language using movement, text and music to express the emotions, themes and atmospheres in the play. Drawing on the physicality, the voice, the emotional body, mental body and the spiritual body, Fin aims to facilitate the performer coming totally into his / her body so that they can carry forth their full creative expression. Fin and Ben have had several weeks of previous development on the piece, working with a mix of actors, dancers, singers and muscians. During this week they would like to explore the final ingredient – structure. Creating a structure that carries a narrative, but not a linear one.’